' Telif: Chris Trevino
Dim strContent
'// İçinde arama yapılacak metin
strContent = "The quick brown fox jumped over the fence. THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE FENCE. ThE QuIcK BrOwN FoX JuMpEd OvEr ThE fEnCE."
if NOT IsEmpty(Request.Form("fldSearch")) and NOT trim(Request.Form("fldSearch")) = "" then
set regX = New RegExp
src = Request.Form("fldSearch")
regX.Pattern = src
regX.IgnoreCase = true
regX.Global = true
set theString = regX.Execute(strContent)
For each matchFound in theString
strContent = Replace(strContent, matchFound.Value, "" & matchFound.Value & "")
set regX = nothing
set theString = nothing
end if
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